

Starting from the core competence of producing precision parts and components, the other business areas of laser systems and special machine construction quickly developed – always with the entire process chain under one roof. From the idea to the design to the manufacture of the final product. We accompany you from the construction of a prototype to series production. This is the basis for a smooth and cost-effective process.

Without continuous progress and growth, terms such as improvement, performance and success are meaningless. – Benjamin Franklin

Focused on customers and service

We serve our customers and learn from them. Every activity must result in high customer satisfaction.


We want to remain an independent and unaffiliated company.


We live a culture of a flexible and lean organisation focussed on the needs of our customers.


We focus on activities that we understand and for which we are suited.

Quality and environment

We undertake to offer exemplary quality, best practice and reliability. With the continuous improvement of our processes, we aim for products and services oriented towards the needs of our customers.

Our corporate activities are interrelated with our environment. We are committed to comply with the relevant laws and guidelines. In addition to the legal requirements, we apply environmentally-relevant considerations in our processes.


We are a team of motivated, capable and powerful individuals.


We underscore the individual professional responsibility of our employees.

Creativity and innovation

We provide an environment where ideas, progress and the creativity of our colleagues are promoted.


We communicate openly and responsibly. We cultivate an open dialogue with all external stakeholders, in particular with our customers, the authorities, suppliers and the interested public.

Profit & Result Orientation

We see the clear focus on results as the driving force of our company. The management of Somack Fertigungstechnik GmbH hereby undertakes to promote the realisation of quality and environmental thinking throughout the company and to monitor the correct implementation of the regulations made.